The soulful, strong and beautiful falsetto voice of SOTA (Vo.) is supported by the expressive guitar of TAKKI (Gt.), and the free combination of live instruments by various supporting musicians cultivated during their career colors their songs. And while swallowing various genres borderlessly, such as soul, funk, R&B, AOR, jazz, and house, they sublimate them into unique pop songs with a catchiness that you can ruminate over and over in your ears.
SOMETIME” = Someday, “Sometimes” = Sometimes If you are working hard every day to make your dreams come true, SOMETIME is a song that expresses the wish that your dreams will come true “someday” and that you will take a break “sometimes”. The name “SOMETIME’S” is derived from the idea that if you are working hard every day to make your dreams come true, you should take a break every once in a while.